Keeping Cool and Active: Indoor Activities for Preschoolers

Keeping Cool and Active: Indoor Activities for Preschoolers

When the temperature soars and it’s too hot to play outside, it’s essential to keep our little ones engaged and active indoors. At our preschool, we’ve been getting creative with indoor activities that not only entertain but also promote gross motor development. Here are some fantastic ideas to help your child burn off energy and develop their big muscles, even when staying inside is the safest option.

1. Indoor Obstacle Course

An indoor obstacle course can turn any space into an adventure playground. Use cushions, pillows, furniture, and toys to create a fun and challenging route. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Crawl under tables: Create a tunnel using tables and blankets.
  • Jump over pillows: Set up a series of pillows or cushions for kids to jump over.
  • Balance on tape lines: Use painter’s tape on the floor to create balance beams or zigzag paths.
  • Hula hoop jump: Lay hula hoops on the ground and have children jump from one to the next.

Obstacle courses not only keep kids moving but also help with coordination, balance, and problem-solving skills.

2. Dance Party

A dance party is a perfect way to let loose and get some exercise. Play some upbeat music and encourage children to dance their hearts out. You can introduce simple dance moves, play freeze dance where they stop when the music pauses, or even have a dance-off competition. Dancing helps improve rhythm, coordination, and is a great cardiovascular workout.

3. Balloon Volleyball

Balloon volleyball is a safe and exciting indoor game. All you need is a balloon and a makeshift net (a string or tape line across the room works perfectly). Split the kids into two teams and let them bat the balloon back and forth. This game is fantastic for hand-eye coordination, teamwork, and reflexes. Plus, balloons are gentle and less likely to cause any damage or injuries.

4. Yoga for Kids

Yoga is a wonderful indoor activity that promotes flexibility, strength, and calmness. There are many kid-friendly yoga routines available online. Start with basic poses like tree pose, downward dog, and butterfly pose. Make it fun by incorporating animal sounds or stories into the routine. Yoga helps children develop focus, balance, and body awareness.

5. Indoor Scavenger Hunt

An indoor scavenger hunt can be both a mental and physical challenge. Create a list of items for the children to find around the room or house. You can make it more engaging by adding clues or riddles for each item. This activity encourages kids to move around, think critically, and work together.

6. Simon Says with a Twist

Play a game of Simon Says but add a twist by incorporating gross motor movements. For example, “Simon says jump like a frog,” “Simon says crawl like a bear,” or “Simon says march in place.” This variation keeps kids active and helps them follow directions while engaging their large muscle groups.

7. Mini Gymnastics

Set up a mini gymnastics area with mats, cushions, and other soft surfaces. Encourage children to practice somersaults, log rolls, or simple balancing exercises. Supervise closely to ensure safety, and let them explore their abilities in a controlled environment. Mini gymnastics helps build strength, flexibility, and confidence.

8. Animal Walks

Turn your living room into a zoo and have kids walk like their favorite animals. They can stomp like elephants, hop like kangaroos, or slither like snakes. Animal walks are great for developing gross motor skills and are a fun way to teach children about different animals.


Staying active indoors during hot weather doesn’t have to be a challenge. With a bit of creativity, you can transform your home into a playground that encourages movement, exploration, and fun. These activities not only help children expend their excess energy but also support their physical development and overall well-being. So, the next time it’s too hot to play outside, try out some of these ideas and watch your little ones thrive and have a blast!